Chorizo al Vino Tinto - Wine Braised Spanish Sausage
Level: Easy
Cuisine: Spanish
Serves: 4
Although we'd never complain about eating chorizo on it's own, this Spanish dish is as simple as they come and never fails to impress. Savory chorizo is braised in and served with a sauce of bright red wine which brings the flavors of the chorizo to life. Chorizo al Vino makes for a dish that's comforting and filling, serve with something fresh and light like grilled pimientos.
  1. Puncture each chorizo several times with a fork.
  2. Pour enough wine in a deep pot to cover your chorizo and bring it to a light boil.
  3. Place chorizo in the pot to simmer for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the pot from the heat and let the chorizo rest in the wine for 10 minutes more.
  5. Take the chorizo out and once it is cool enough, cut it into slices about ½ inch thick, reserve the wine.
  6. Put the chorizo in a skillet and sear both sides of each chorizo slice.
  7. Add enough wine to the skillet to just cover all of the chorizo.
  8. Simmer the chorizo in the wine until almost all of the wine has evaporated.
  9. Serve the chorizo with the reduced wine in a cazuela with slices of fresh bread and toothpicks for easy eating.
There are other variations of this dish which use a different poaching liquid. To mix it up, try replacing the red wine with a dry white (chorizo al vino blanco) or Spanish Sidra (chorizo a la sidra) and boil with a couple of laurel leaves.
Recipe by World Recipes by ParTASTE at