Italian Food Authority
Diner Type:
Carnivore & Aspiring Adventure Eater
Hails from and still hangs his boots in:
The Bay, always something tasty cooking!
Likes to chat in:
Italian (favored) & English (also acceptable)
Words of wisdom:
“Se si litiga in cucina ogni pasto va in rovina.” Translation: If you argue in the kitchen every meal will end in ruin.
Food he can’t live without:
beef… especially grilled rib-eye seasoned with Jerez salt and bourbon-smoked peppercorn, served with black truffle butter
Has dragged his suitcase through:
many parts of Italy, the coastal U.S. & a bit of Spain (where chorizo stole his heart)
3 places he hopes to explore soon:
Spain (more extensively), Sweden (to devour exotic meats) & Switzerland
can devour an entire ranch-worth of beef in a single day
His inner rebel:
is known to eat several pounds of food per meal… on a regular basis
chocolate, it’s true, he has never liked it. Oh the humanity! next: the blog